Multi-sensory campaign allows UK commuters to smell baked potatoes

brand experience smell campaigns

Advertising may be changed forever, as consumers are now able to feel and smell the advertised product in a groundbreaking campaign promoting McCain Foods’ baked potatoes, called Ready Made Jackets.

The innovative 3D ads will be displayed in bus-stops across the country. Ten fully-wrapped bus shelters will display 2-feet fibreglass potatoes and when people press a button the ad gets heated and the aroma of oven-baked jacket potatoes fills the air. In addition, dispensers that offer discount coupons will be installed.

Apart from the revolutionary scented ads, McCain will also advertise the new product through more traditional channels, such as roadside six-sheets and billboards, in the biggest supermarket chains Asda, Tesco, Sainsbury’s and Morrison’s and digital ads located in rail stations.

McCain hopes that the warmth and mouth-watering smell of freshly baked potatoes will help commuters take the frosty weather at the bus stop lightly and cheer them up.

Mark Hodge, head of brand at McCain Foods, claims that it is not just the campaign that will revolutionise the sector, as the taste of the new baked potatoes will change people’s perception of frozen food. Don’t know about you but I’m already hungry!