47% Of UK Consumers Choose The Internet To Make Grocery Price Researches

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Buying groceries through the web in increasingly popular in the UK. Nielsen’s Global Survey of Digital’s Influence on Grocery Shopping reveals that, in comparison to other Europeans, Britons are more likely to buy food and beverages online in order to save money.

The report, which is based on responses from 28,000 consumers in 56 countries, showed that finding cheaper products is the major factor that fuels online grocery shopping across the globe. As for the UK, nearly half of consumers go online to buy products, 30% prefer visiting coupon websites and 25% use the Internet to compare retailers’ pricing terms. When it comes to groceries, 47% of UK consumers choose the Internet to make product researches, with one in five of them comparing prices or looking at consumer reviews on a daily basis.

Britons go online most often to book travels, with 30% of the consumers surveyed saying they do so through the web. The second most popular hubs, 28% of the total surveyed, are websites where people can order books, newspapers and magazines. Grocery shopping now ranks third on consumer’s online shopping chart with a 27% share of the sample, going up from seventh place two years ago. Currently, grocery shopping is the twelfth most preferred online shopping category in Europe as a whole.

Almost half of Britons visiting the web on a regular basis to look for grocery items or order products claim that they spend at least one quarter of their total grocery shopping time on the web. For about 27% of the panel, the Internet now makes up at least half of their combined online and offline grocery activity time.