Women Increasingly Turn To Digital Media After Giving Birth

Mum Shop Online Consumers

I read recently an article in the Marketing Magazine suggesting that mothers generally spend 35% more time on the web than other groups in the UK.

After becoming a mother, women in the country become 45% more active in the digital space, research from online and mobile hub for new and expectant mums BabyCentre, showed. E-mail usage expands by 31%, while the use of mobile devices rose by 28%. Once children arrive, however, women start reading 55% less magazines and watch 36% less TV, the survey also found.

Giving birth gives rise to more than one in three (36%) new mums purchasing a smartphone device, 59% even deem their gadget an essential device for helping them with the bulk of their everyday responsibilities.

New mums not only change the way that they consume media, but their shopping habits as well. For 68% of the respondents, giving birth triggered a change in the purchase criteria for everything they buy after having a child, including clothes, beauty products and even cars.

Women also confessed that after giving birth, shopping was more of an experience that made them feel more guilty (186%), rushed (121%) and stressed (39%) compared to how they felt before having children. This has made 62% of new mums switch to online retailers, stimulated by the greater convenience of this type of shopping.