Mobile Gaming A Great Market To Tap

Millennial mobile social app

The mobile gaming market is offering some great opportunities for companies aiming to enhance their impact on social media platforms.

In the UK alone, there are 20 million gamers waiting to be tapped by advertisers. However, companies are still failing to recognise the best method for using these digital tool. I was curious to read experts’ opinion on the matter, and I’m sharing with you their tips on how to make use of mobile gaming, as reported by The Guardian in a recent article.

The expert panel, which included representatives of the mobile gaming and marketing industries, all agreed that when using the medium, keeping the social message optimistic and non-invasive to the game experience is key to ensuring that it will be adequately understood by the public. If the message is negative, the audience will more likely feel reluctant to engage, rather than be stimulated to make a change.

If a company wants to develop a game and use it as a tool for attracting consumers, it needs to use it as part of the wider marketing mix, and should treat it as a tool that could trigger a particular behaviour rather than as a customer acquisition mechanism. The public that will be targeted with the game, and the benefits it would deliver to users, should also be identified in advance. One of the best ways to do so is by testing the prototype game on real users to get feedback, and to see whether it generates the desired results.

Promoting the game is also part of its success given the hot competition in the games category. Marketing helps drive awareness about the game, and can guarantee that it already has a great number of fans before its launch.