Smart Devices Become Mums’s Indispensable Companions

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I wasn’t surprised to read recently that smartphones are becoming a true companion to the modern UK mum. Smart devices are now the last thing mums interact with before they go to bed, and the first thing they reach for in the morning. In fact, 87% of UK mums now own a smartphone, while another 41% have a tablet device, research from reveals.

The 2013 Mobile Mum Report from the website for new and expectant mums also shows that since mid-2012, smartphone adoption has gone up by 21%, while tablet ownership has soared by 128%. More than a third of mums now consider themselves a smartphone addict, compared to just 20% of mums who admitted to their addiction 15 months ago.

The study, involving 939 mums and expectant mums, also points to smart devices’ growing popularity as a tool for shopping, with clothing and shoes being the most popular purchases. One in two mums have bought products via their mobile device in the past month, with two-thirds saying they have used their mobile to visit a retailer’s websites, and another 57% claiming they have researched a specific item on their device. What most encourages mums to use their mobile for shopping is the opportunity to get products at the most affordable price, or to win a discount voucher to use with a particular retailer.

Mums also regard smartphones as their virtual helping hand when it comes to parenting, as many believe the devices allow them to adapt to becoming a parent more quickly, as well as helping them to remain organised. Some 41% of mums consider their device as their “backup brain,” which is evident from the increasing use of smartphones for looking-up information, managing family needs, and keeping up with schedules.